Journaling reads…
I am a child of God * I am blessed * I am deeply in love with my best friend and other half * I love being a Mom * I enjoy being a homemaker and staying home with Nicole * I love my nickname “Cricket” * I love when my Mom calls me “Krissy” * I love to cook and bake, but hate to do dishes * I buy too much food when grocery shopping because I worry about running out * I know what I love and I do not get bored with what I love * I can listen to the same song or CD all day, everyday, for weeks or even months (it drives everyone else nuts!) * I am a very picky eater * I can eat the same foods everyday over and over and not get bored * Meat grosses me out most of the time * I am content where I am at, I do not feel the NEED to try something new * I love the feeling of exercising, but I rarely workout * I’m painfully shy * I can talk all the time about anything and everything and when I’m not talking, I’m messenging or emailing * Because I’m so shy I have a hard time making friends * I have a small group of close friends that I treasure * I prefer spending time with my husband and daughter than anything else * If given the choice to clean or scrapbook, I always pick scrapbooking * I prefer watching movies to television shows * I love to shop, you might say I’m even a little addicted * I spend way too much time on the computer * I love taking pictures and I feel the need to capture every moment * I stress, worry, feel guilty and dwell daily * I am sensitive, kind, and compassionate * I love with my whole heart, I do not hold back * I have a hard time saying no * I think I can handle and do more than I actually can, my plate is usually full * I’m trying to get back to having more quiet time and time for myself * I am silly and love to laugh * I am sarcastic * I am stubborn * I don’t like spiders * I rely on my husband to be the “bug Squishier” * I love to watch romantic comedies and I dislike scary movies * I love children * I love to read Christian living books * I love to write and journal * I am creative and love to craft and scrapbook * I love to teach * I switch back and fourth between being a night owl or early bird * I love to sleep, but hate wasting the time on in * I do not like sleeping alone (I never have) * I am very close with my family, I love them all more than I can ever say, express, or promise * I love get-togethers * I like to cuddle * I can forgive, but not forget * I remember more than I’d like to * I dislike cleaning, but love to organize * I am trying to get away from my pack-rat days, though sometimes it’s hard * I have more items, supplies, books, and stuff than I can ever get around to reading or using * I am a perfectionist * I am a little obsessive compulsive * I love to day dream * I usually am an all-or-nothing girl * I am afraid to try new things * I am afraid of the unknown * I worry about what people think * I am very hermit-like these days, but still love going out with my daughter and husband * I love make-up, clothes, jewelry and shoes * I can change outfits a dozen time before being content, other days I can throw on a t-shirt and jeans and be happy * I love love love chocolate * I am addicted to caffeine and diet Pepsi * I love carbs * I hate the taste and smell of coffee * I am generous and selfless * I am playful * I like to tease * I am nosey and curious * I am quick to cry * I like to plan everything in detail * I like to make lists * I set high standards for myself * I am dedicated * I am an animal lover, but have no pets * I love lizards and frogs * I don’t mind getting dirty and enjoy a good rollie pollie hunt every now and then * Driving stresses me out, I hate my van * I can NOT park a van * When I drive I listen to my music very loud (yes the car vibrates) * I am suppose to wear glasses but rarely do * I am a horrible speller * I love math * I regret many things, but would only change some of my mistakes * I sometimes have a evil laugh (says my husband) * I like to have my toes popped * I am physically flexible * I often make goofy faces * I love the sound of my Daughter calling me “Mommy” just as much as I love when my little sister calls me “Sissy” * It has taken me 25 years to “feel” beautiful * I love my blue eyes * I cannot whistle * I am secretly a “Daddy’s girl” * 25 years later, I still sometimes sleep with my “Pink Panther” * My husband, daughter, Mom and Dad make me laugh like no one else on this earth * I feel the safest when I’m in my husband’s presences * I know that I am deeply loved *

Did I mention I am LOVING this class? :)
1 comment:
I love this! You learn so much about a person. I guess I need to do one of these too.
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